I’m quite taken with this timepiece; it’s easily the most exquisite Rolex Day-Date replica I’ve encountered. While several watch factories have attempted to replicate the Rolex Day-Date in the past, including Noob, none managed to produce satisfactory replicas. Now that Noob has ceased production, only two factories are currently manufacturing replica Rolex Day-Date watches: EW and GM.
EW factory, known for its middle-quality replicas, has never ventured into super clone territory. Despite expectations for top-quality Daytona replicas from EW, they have yet to compete with Clean and Better Factory. Consequently, EW’s Day-Date replicas fail to meet the expectations of those seeking super clones. Thus, if you’re after the finest Day-Date Rolex replica in the 40mm size, I unequivocally recommend GM factory. Their latest V2 edition has solidified their position as the premier manufacturer of Day-Date replicas.
In the V2 edition, GM has made significant improvements. Firstly, the watch’s weight has increased noticeably, particularly evident in the rose gold model, weighing over 166 grams. This suggests the use of superior stainless steel, possibly even genuine 904L stainless steel. Secondly, the finishing on the case and bracelet is vastly improved compared to V1, with every edge and corner expertly polished for enhanced comfort. Thirdly, the gold coating on the golden Day-Date model is thicker than that of V1, with each link meticulously plated with rose gold. This enhancement likely stems from GM’s collaboration with CR factory, resulting in exceptional quality replica Rolex Day-Dates.
This particular Day-Date has captured my heart. I’ve recently purchased one for myself and plan to gift another to my father for the new year. The green dial complements the rose gold tone perfectly, and GM factory offers a wide array of stunning Day-Date replicas. Trusted dealers in various forums unanimously recommend GM factory for Day-Date replicas, despite the higher price point. The three-dimensional golden Rome hour markers stand out beautifully against the green dial, and the correct magnifier at 3 o’clock displays the current date. The arched window at 12 o’clock showcases the week, adjustable via the crown. Even the inner bezel, or rehaut, is impeccably executed with accurate engravings.
While the Submariner is often the go-to choice for a first Rolex replica watch, I encourage exploring something different and refreshing, like this superbly crafted rose gold Day-Date with a green face.